Everything you need to know about the 7 chakras
Chakra, an ancient wisdom from the Indian health system, is a keystone in alternative medicine.
The word 'chakra' means 'wheel' in Sanskrit , symbolizing energy wheels which can optimize our energy work, health and well-being.
What are the 7 Chakras?
There are countless chakras in the body, but the seven main chakras are essential to understand. These chakras run along the center of the body, closely linked to the hormonal system, and control our prana , or life energy. Imbalance in the chakras can create mental, physical and spiritual imbalances, showing the deep connection of the chakras to our health and well-being. Understanding the chakras provides insight into the interaction between body, mind and soul.
Understand the seven main chakras
Chakras play a significant role in our lives, influencing everything from our physical condition to our spiritual development. To fully understand their influence, it is important to have insight into how each of the seven main chakras functions and interacts with our body, mind and soul.

My Experience with Holistic Health and Chakra
My name is Zoey Adrianna and as an experienced holistic health practitioner I will guide you through an in-depth understanding of each chakra. This knowledge, which I have gained through my work with, among other things, clairvoyance and reiki healing , will help you to identify and deal with imbalances that affect your well-being.
Understand the unique role of each chakra
Each chakra has a unique role and affects certain aspects of our lives. For example, the root chakra influences our sense of security and stability, while the heart chakra centers around love and compassion. By understanding the core functions of each chakra, we can better recognize where imbalances may occur.
Signs of imbalance in a chakra
Imbalance in a chakra can manifest physically, mentally or spiritually. For example, an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra can lead to digestive problems or low self-esteem. I will guide you through how to recognize these signs and apply various techniques to restore balance.
Chakras, Stones and Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide by Zoey Adrianna
Stones and crystals have long been recognized for their deep connection to the chakra system in holistic practice. In the following, I will guide you through how these natural elements and energy tools can be used to promote balance and harmony in your chakras.

Energy and Balance
Crystals emit unique energies that can help balance the chakras, depending on their specific properties. If you experience imbalance in a particular area of your life, choosing an appropriate crystal can be the key to restoring harmony.
Use of crystals
Crystals can be used in a variety of ways to help both blocked and overstimulated chakras. Here are some techniques:
- Meditate with the crystal to enhance its effect.
- Placing the crystal on the appropriate chakra during rest.
- Wear the crystal as a piece of jewelry for continuous energy support.
- Place it under the pillow for subtle energy exchange during sleep.
It is not necessary for the crystal to be in direct contact with the chakra for it to work. For some, direct contact can be too intense, and therefore it can be advantageous to integrate the crystals discreetly into everyday life, as jewellery .
Body and energy
Our bodies are like a complex circuit of energy wheels, constantly absorbing and distributing energy. The crystals help ensure that this energy flows effortlessly and in balance throughout the system.
The meaning of color
There is a significant correlation between the colors of the chakras and the associated crystals. By choosing crystals that match the color of the chakra you want to balance, you can achieve a more targeted and effective harmonization.
Chakra, an ancient wisdom from the Indian health system, is a keystone in alternative medicine. The word 'chakra' means 'wheel' in Sanskrit, symbolizing energy wheels which can optimize our energy work, health and well-being.
The 7 chakras:

Root chakra - Muladhara chakra
Muladhara, known as the Root Chakra , is the first chakra located at the end of the spine, at the back of the body. Its color is red and it is closely associated with bodily functions such as sexuality and digestion. It is the only chakra that sits at the back of the body, while the rest are at the front.
A balanced Root Chakra provides grounding, security, and stability. It supports a healthy capacity for material prosperity and the ability to let go. Imbalance can manifest as overspending, greed, or the feeling that life is a burden.
Signs of Imbalance:
Imbalance in the root chakra can stem from early insecurity and can manifest as overconsumption, greed, or a sense that life is a burden.
Methods of balancing:
To restore balance, focus on the chakra through self-loving practices such as massaging the lower abdomen. Staying in nature and connecting with the earth can also be beneficial. Effective crystals for the Root Chakra are deep red carnelian, garnet, tourmaline, and obsidian.
Recommended crystals : Dark and deep red crystals eg: carnelian, tourmaline, obsidian or garnet.

Hara Chakra - Swadhishthana Chakra
Swadhishthana, known as the Hara chakra , is located below the navel and is essential to our creativity and ability to create. Symbolized by the color orange and the element of water, this chakra also plays a central role in our combustion, digestion and regulation of bodily fluids such as blood and lymph.
When the Hara chakra is in balance, we experience harmony in our creativity, self-confidence and the ability to realize our ideas. This balance leads to a sense of excitement and possibility in life, as well as a positive influence on our sexuality.
Symptoms of imbalance:
An imbalance can manifest as a lack of joy in life, a sense of responsibility, sexual interest, and in severe cases it can lead to depression and sadness.
Methods of balancing:
To stimulate the Hara chakra, try activities that produce immediate joy in life, such as playing, dancing, enjoying food or nature. Water activities and connection with the water element are also beneficial. Working with sexuality, through gentle massage or tantra, can be helpful.
Recommended Crystals: Crystals such as orange carnelian and red jasper can support the balancing of this chakra. But generally orange or orange-red crystals are good for this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura Chakra
Manipura, or the Solar Plexus chakra , is located between the ribs and the navel and is closely connected to our social interaction and self-esteem. Its color is yellow and its element is fire.
A balanced Solar Plexus chakra is characterized by considerate dealings with others, without compromising one's own integrity and needs. Imbalance in this chakra can stem from lack of development of independence in childhood.
Symptoms of imbalance:
Imbalance can manifest as lack of empathy, need for control, poor self-esteem, or pleaser behaviour. It can lead to external success versus internal inadequacy, or easily influenced by others. We can feel the energy of others very intensely, which is not always ideal, as you can mix your own emotions with those of others.
Create harmony:
To restore balance, awareness of one's own action patterns is key. Journaling, i.e. writing a diary, writing positive affirmations, breathing exercises and kundalini yoga are effective methods. Exposure to sunlight and acts of self-love are also beneficial.
Recommended crystals : Tiger's eye, citrine, selenite or golden healer.

Heart Chakra - Anahata Chakra
Anahata, or the Heart Chakra , is centrally located in the chest and connects the lower (conscious) and upper (unconscious) chakras, which is essential for the body's overall balance. Its color is green and its element is air.
A balanced Heart chakra manifests in the ability to feel love, care, and togetherness. Imbalance can result in difficulty feeling love, cynicism, sentimentality or depression.
Connections, Imbalance and Influences:
The heart chakra is closely connected to other chakras and can be affected by imbalances in them. For example, imbalance in the Solar Plexus Chakra can inhibit the ability to give and receive love.
Methods of balancing:
Mindfulness is essential for achieving balance in the heart chakra, which can be strengthened through presence and intuitive movement. Confronting and processing wounds and shadow sides is also important.
Recommended crystals: Rose quartz is the most effective crystal for the heart chakra.

Throat chakra - Vishuddha Chakra
Vishuddha, or the Throat Chakra , is centrally located in the throat and plays an important role in our communication skills. Its color is blue and its element is ether (space).
A balanced throat chakra enables honest and open communication, both in sending and receiving information. Imbalance can lead to difficulty expressing oneself, receiving others' points of view, or a discrepancy between thoughts and words.
Symptoms of imbalance:
Past experiences of not being heard can contribute to imbalance, and physical symptoms can include problems in the throat area.
Methods of balancing:
To restore harmony in the Throat Chakra, it is important to balance the ability to express oneself with being open to others. Practical methods include chanting, sound expression, mantra chanting, and other creative forms of expression. Writing a gratitude diary or positive affirmations , which is also a way of expressing yourself.
Recommended crystals: Effective crystals for the throat chakra are sodalite, amazonite, aquamarine and blue calcite.

Forehead/third eye chakra - Ajna Chakra
Ajna, known as the Forehead or Third Eye Chakra , is located between the browbones and focuses on our mental and intellectual faculties. Its color is purple and it is particularly useful for promoting clairvoyant and intuitive abilities.
A harmonious Ajna Chakra contributes to an open mind, the ability to receive and analyze information and to integrate intuition into our daily lives. Imbalance can result in excessive focus on intellectual analysis, a denial of the bodily and sensual, or difficulties with thought processes and overview.
Methods of Balancing:
To restore balance, try massaging the third eye, meditating, philosophizing, or expanding awareness through reading and knowledge gathering. Developing intuition through tarot cards or similar spiritual tools can also be effective. Meditation, nature and clean water.
Recommended crystals: Amethyst, Selenite and Lepidolite.

Crown chakra - Sahastrara Chakra
Sahasrara, also known as the Crown Chakra , is located a little above the head and connects us with the universe and cosmic consciousness. Its color is white or sometimes violet.
An open Crown Chakra symbolizes complete connection and harmony with the environment and cosmic consciousness. When this chakra is fully opened, blockages in the other chakras dissolve. However, some recommend that you be careful with opening this chakra before you have full control over it.
Development and realization:
The development of the Crown Chakra occurs gradually throughout life, with realizations and revelations that profoundly affect our perception of existence.
Create harmony:
Work to balance the other chakras and create calmness to support natural spiritual development.
Recommended crystals: Rock crystal, also known as the master healer, is particularly effective in healing all chakras and supporting the development of the Crown Chakra. Garden quartz, quartz, rock crystal, selenite and labradorite are also popular crystals in this context.
Root chakra - Muladhara chakra
Muladhara, known as the Root Chakra , is the first chakra located at the end of the spine, at the back of the body. Its color is red and it is closely associated with bodily functions such as sexuality and digestion. It is the only chakra that sits at the back of the body, while the rest are at the front.
A balanced Root Chakra provides grounding, security, and stability. It supports a healthy capacity for material prosperity and the ability to let go. Imbalance can manifest as overspending, greed, or the feeling that life is a burden.
Signs of Imbalance:
Imbalance in the root chakra can stem from early insecurity and can manifest as overconsumption, greed, or a sense that life is a burden.
Methods of balancing:
To restore balance, focus on the chakra through self-loving practices such as massaging the lower abdomen. Staying in nature and connecting with the earth can also be beneficial. Effective crystals for the Root Chakra are deep red carnelian, garnet, tourmaline, and obsidian.
Recommended crystals : Dark and deep red crystals eg: carnelian, tourmaline, obsidian or garnet.
Hara Chakra - Swadhishthana Chakra
Swadhishthana, known as the Hara chakra , is located below the navel and is essential to our creativity and ability to create. Symbolized by the color orange and the element of water, this chakra also plays a central role in our combustion, digestion and regulation of bodily fluids such as blood and lymph.
When the Hara chakra is in balance, we experience harmony in our creativity, self-confidence and the ability to realize our ideas. This balance leads to a sense of excitement and possibility in life, as well as a positive influence on our sexuality.
Symptoms of imbalance:
An imbalance can manifest as a lack of joy in life, a sense of responsibility, sexual interest, and in severe cases it can lead to depression and sadness.
Methods of balancing:
To stimulate the Hara chakra, try activities that produce immediate joy in life, such as playing, dancing, enjoying food or nature. Water activities and connection with the water element are also beneficial. Working with sexuality, through gentle massage or tantra, can be helpful.
Recommended Crystals: Crystals such as orange carnelian and red jasper can support the balancing of this chakra. But generally orange or orange-red crystals are good for this chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura Chakra
Manipura, or the Solar Plexus chakra , is located between the ribs and the navel and is closely connected to our social interaction and self-esteem. Its color is yellow and its element is fire.
A balanced Solar Plexus chakra is characterized by considerate dealings with others, without compromising one's own integrity and needs. Imbalance in this chakra can stem from lack of development of independence in childhood.
Symptoms of imbalance:
Imbalance can manifest as lack of empathy, need for control, poor self-esteem, or pleaser behaviour. It can lead to external success versus internal inadequacy, or easily influenced by others. We can feel the energy of others very intensely, which is not always ideal, as you can mix your own emotions with those of others.
Create harmony:
To restore balance, awareness of one's own action patterns is key. Journaling, i.e. writing a diary, writing positive affirmations, breathing exercises and kundalini yoga are effective methods. Exposure to sunlight and acts of self-love are also beneficial.
Recommended crystals : Tiger's eye, citrine, selenite or golden healer.
Heart Chakra - Anahata Chakra
Anahata, or the Heart Chakra , is centrally located in the chest and connects the lower (conscious) and upper (unconscious) chakras, which is essential for the body's overall balance. Its color is green and its element is air.
A balanced Heart chakra manifests in the ability to feel love, care, and togetherness. Imbalance can result in difficulty feeling love, cynicism, sentimentality or depression.
Connections, Imbalance and Influences:
The heart chakra is closely connected to other chakras and can be affected by imbalances in them. For example, imbalance in the Solar Plexus Chakra can inhibit the ability to give and receive love.
Methods of balancing:
Mindfulness is essential for achieving balance in the heart chakra, which can be strengthened through presence and intuitive movement. Confronting and processing wounds and shadow sides is also important.
Recommended crystals: Rose quartz is the most effective crystal for the heart chakra.
Throat chakra - Vishuddha Chakra
Vishuddha, or the Throat Chakra , is centrally located in the throat and plays an important role in our communication skills. Its color is blue and its element is ether (space).
A balanced throat chakra enables honest and open communication, both in sending and receiving information. Imbalance can lead to difficulty expressing oneself, receiving others' points of view, or a discrepancy between thoughts and words.
Symptoms of imbalance:
Past experiences of not being heard can contribute to imbalance, and physical symptoms can include problems in the throat area.
Methods of balancing:
To restore harmony in the Throat Chakra, it is important to balance the ability to express oneself with being open to others. Practical methods include chanting, sound expression, mantra chanting, and other creative forms of expression. Writing a gratitude diary or positive affirmations , which is also a way of expressing yourself.
Recommended crystals: Effective crystals for the throat chakra are sodalite, amazonite, aquamarine and blue calcite.
Forehead/third eye chakra - Ajna Chakra
Ajna, known as the Forehead or Third Eye Chakra , is located between the browbones and focuses on our mental and intellectual faculties. Its color is purple and it is particularly useful for promoting clairvoyant and intuitive abilities.
A harmonious Ajna Chakra contributes to an open mind, the ability to receive and analyze information and to integrate intuition into our daily lives. Imbalance can result in excessive focus on intellectual analysis, a denial of the bodily and sensual, or difficulties with thought processes and overview.
Methods of Balancing:
To restore balance, try massaging the third eye, meditating, philosophizing, or expanding awareness through reading and knowledge gathering. Developing intuition through tarot cards or similar spiritual tools can also be effective. Meditation, nature and clean water.
Recommended crystals: Amethyst, Selenite and Lepidolite.
Crown chakra - Sahastrara Chakra
Sahasrara, also known as the Crown Chakra , is located a little above the head and connects us with the universe and cosmic consciousness. Its color is white or sometimes violet.
An open Crown Chakra symbolizes complete connection and harmony with the environment and cosmic consciousness. When this chakra is fully opened, blockages in the other chakras dissolve. However, some recommend that you be careful with opening this chakra before you have full control over it.
Development and realization:
The development of the Crown Chakra occurs gradually throughout life, with realizations and revelations that profoundly affect our perception of existence.
Create harmony:
Work to balance the other chakras and create calmness to support natural spiritual development.
Recommended crystals: Rock crystal, also known as the master healer, is particularly effective in healing all chakras and supporting the development of the Crown Chakra. Garden quartz, quartz, rock crystal, selenite and labradorite are also popular crystals in this context.

An open Crown Chakra symbolizes complete connection and harmony with the environment and cosmic consciousness. When this chakra is fully opened, blockages in the other chakras dissolve. However, some recommend that you be careful with opening this chakra before you have full control over it.
Development and realization:
The development of the Crown Chakra occurs gradually throughout life, with realizations and revelations that profoundly affect our perception of existence.
Create harmony:
Work to balance the other chakras and create calmness to support natural spiritual development.
Recommended crystals: Rock crystal, also known as the master healer, is particularly effective in healing all chakras and supporting the development of the Crown Chakra. Garden quartz, quartz, rock crystal, selenite and labradorite are also popular crystals in this context.

Using crystals for chakra healing and balancing
Crystals are effective tools for chakra healing and balancing. They can be used in different ways to harmonize the seven chakras.
The crystals do not need to be in direct contact with the specific chakra to be effective. The body contains many small energy wheels that transport energy, so crystals can be worn as jewelry or placed in the home to achieve the benefits.
Get guidance on chakras and crystals
If you are unsure which chakra to focus on, feel free to contact me. Together we can find the perfect crystal to suit your needs and support your journey towards balance and harmony.
Buy your Chakrakit hereListen to my podcast about the seven chakras
See my selection of chakra crystals
Frequently asked questions about the 7 chakras
What are the 7 Chakras?
Chakras are energy centers in the body that, according to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, affect our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
The seven main chakras are located along the spine and each have their own color. There are many, many chakras, but the 7 are the most well-known and the ones most worked with.
Chakras are, in short, a lot of energy paths in our energy field that meet, and therefore create one big field where they all overlap. Therefore, the energy is extra powerful there.
What does 'chakra' mean?
Chakra, from Sanskrit, means "wheel" or "circle", and refers to the rotating energy centers in the body. Some also call it a funnel, as it looks like it from the side.
Where are the different chakras located?
- Root chakra (Muladhara chakra) - Bottom of spine/coccyx (Red).
- Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana chakra) - Below the navel and above the pubic bone (Orange).
- Solar plexus chakra (Manipura chakra) - Upper abdomen (Yellow).
- Heart chakra (Anahata chakra) - Located in the heart (Green).
- Throat chakra (Vishuddha chakra) - In the throat area (Blue).
- Forehead/third eye chakra (Ajna chakra) - Between the eyebrows (Indigo/blue-purple).
- Crown chakra (Sahasrara chakra) - Top of the head (Purple/white).
What crystals for chakra?
Various crystals are used to harmonize the chakras, including:
- Root Chakra : Obsidian, black tourmaline, red jasper, selenite
- Sacral Chakra : Sunstone, orange calcite, carnelian, selenite
- Solar plexus chakra : Tiger's eye, citrine, yellow jasper, selenite
- Heart Chakra : Malachite, rose quartz, green aventurine, rock crystal, selenite
- Throat Chakra : Aquamarine, sodalite, blue calcite, selenite
- Third eye chakra : Azurite, amethyst, lepidolite, selenite, rock crystal
- Crown Chakra : Rock crystal, selenite