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Planlæg din lykke: Sæt tid af til det, der gør dig glad

Plan your happiness: Make time for what makes you happy

Episode #32 focuses on how we actually live life - and whether we remember to make time for what makes us happy, gives us energy and nourishes us. Is the way you live life consistent with yourself,...

Lær at lytte til kroppen & dine egne behov

Learn to listen to your body & your own needs

Episode #31 is dedicated to reminding ourselves that it is important to listen to our own needs, both the physical, mental and emotional needs that we may have. Often we can forget to remember the ...

Gå sommeren i møde med et åbent hjerte, ro og dyb taknemmelighed

Face the summer with an open heart, calmness and deep gratitude

Episode #30 is dedicated to facing summer with an open heart, calmness, renewed energy, positive affirmations and deep gratitude. In this episode, I will explore how we can use this time of year ...

Imposter syndrom - At føle sig som en bedrager

Imposter syndrome - Feeling like an imposter

In episode #29, I delve into a topic many of us struggle with but rarely put into words: Impostor Syndrome. This is the feeling that whispers (and sometimes shouts) in our ear that we don't be...

Chakra-systemet: En rejse gennem kroppens energiportaler

The Chakra System: A Journey Through the Body's Energy Portals

In episode #28 we delve into the mysterious and powerful energy centers known as the chakra system. These seven main chakras are not only vital to our physical well-being, but they are also key to...

Less is more: Vejen til en minimalistisk livsstil

Less is more: The path to a minimalist lifestyle

In episode #27, I explore the minimalist lifestyle. In a world where overconsumption and material wealth are often seen as success and the key to happiness, I invite you to discover the beauty...

Nytænkning af nytårsfortsæt - Hvordan skaber vi vedvarende forandringer i vores liv

Rethinking New Year's resolutions - How do we create lasting changes in our lives

In episode #26, I look at the mistakes we most often make when we decide to set New Year's resolutions. The New Year is often a time for reflection, where we consider how we can improve ourse...

Forventninger og pres - fra os selv og andre. Hvordan navigerer vi i det

Expectations and pressure - from ourselves and others. How do we navigate it?

In episode #25, I focus on how we learn to navigate through the pressure and expectations we humans can sometimes feel we are under. Both the pressure that comes from others, but especially a...

Har du også svært ved at være til stede i nuet? Du er ikke den eneste!

Do you also find it difficult to be present in the moment? You are not the only one!

Being present in the present is something most of us can improve on and something that is beneficial on all levels. So I give some tools for how we can do it in a simple and easy way, so that we c...

Skuffelse - en uundgåelig del af livet. Men også en kilde til forståelse og personlig udvikling

Disappointment - an inevitable part of life. But also a source of understanding and personal development

In episode #23, I delve into the hidden treasures of disappointment and look at what being disappointed and disappointing others once in a while can actually do for us.