
Amazonite is a powerful stone with a long history behind it. It is used as a symbol of strength and courage and has magical properties that can help create clarity and new perspectives. Find out how you can use the amazonite crystal as a spiritual tool and a symbol of strength and courage.


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27 products

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What is amazonite?

Amazonite is a gemstone or crystal known for its beautiful blue-green color and is associated with harmony, balance and communication. It belongs to the feldspar family and consists mainly of potassium aluminum silicate, with traces of other elements such as iron and strontium contributing to its color variation.

The color of amazonite

The characteristic color of amazonite is a remarkable feature and ranges from light to dark blue-green and is often described as "amazonite green."

Amazonite is a relatively soft stone compared to some other gemstones and crystals and more susceptible to scratching. Its transparency varies and some crystals can be transparent while others are opaque. Amazonite has a characteristic microcline structure that gives it an easily recognizable appearance.

Where is amazonite found?

Amazonite is found in various parts of the world including Brazil, USA, Russia, Madagascar and Canada. It has a strong association with the Amazon rainforest in South America, from which it gets its name.

Amazonite spiritual properties

On the spiritual journey, this crystal helps us find our voice, make our thoughts and feelings more fluid and clear. Many feel that Amazonite's energy can be a healing balm for the soul, a shield against everyday stress and turmoil, and a source of calm

Amazonite is a crystal often attributed with certain spiritual properties and meanings. Here are some of the spiritual properties often associated with amazonite:

Amazonite is said to promote harmony and balance in the mind and body. This crystal invites us to find inner peace and rediscover our deep connection to the rhythms of nature.

The crystal is believed to improve communication skills and the ability to express thoughts and feelings clearly and lovingly, which strengthens connections with other people and creates better understanding in relationships.

Amazonite can help remove obstacles to self-expression and strengthen your ability to express your true feelings and needs. It is believed to support in the process of forgiving yourself and others and help release emotional baggage and promote emotional healing.

Amazonite's calming effect

The crystal is considered to have a calming and relaxing energy that can help relieve stress, anxiety and worry. Amazonite is often associated with the heart and throat chakras and is said to help open the heart chakra and promote love and empathy, while supporting the throat chakra, which is associated with communication.

Negative energies

Some believe that amazonite can provide protection against negative energy and harmful influences from others. The crystal can be used in spiritual practice to strengthen the connection to your spiritual side and promote spiritual growth.

Remember that the effect of crystals like amazonite can vary from person to person and it is important to have a clear intention and openness when working with crystals in your spiritual practices. Amazonite can be integrated into meditation, worn as jewelry, or placed in your home as a reminder of desired spiritual qualities.

How to use amazonite?

Amazonite is a beautiful and powerful crystal with a number of spiritual and energetic properties. Here are some ways you can use amazonite:

Wear as jewelry:Amazonite is popular as jewelry, and it's easy to see why. Many choose to wear it in the form of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. When you wear amazonite as jewelry, you have the crystal's energy close to your body throughout the day, allowing you to constantly enjoy its positive properties.

Meditation:Amazonite can be used in your meditation by holding the stone in your hand or placing it in front of you. Focus on its energy and intentions, such as harmony, balance or clear communication while meditating.

Chakra work:Amazonite is associated with both the heart and throat chakras. You can place the stone on the appropriate chakra point during meditation or chakra healing to strengthen energy flow and promote harmony and communication.

Location in the home:Use amazonite as decoration in your home or workspace. Place it in places where you want to add its calming energy and create a positive atmosphere.

Personal development:Amazonite can be used in your personal growth and self-development practice. Hold the stone in your hand and reflect on the goals and intentions you wish to achieve.

Communication:If you want to improve your communication skills, you can wear or meditate with amazonite to strengthen your ability to express yourself clearly and lovingly.

Protection:Some believe that amazonite can provide protection against negative energy and harmful influences. Place it in your home or workplace to create a protective energy field.

Sleep and stress relief:If you have difficulty falling asleep or want to reduce stress and anxiety, you can place amazonite under your pillow or by your bed.

Relationships:Amazonite, especially the pink variety, can be used to strengthen love and harmony in relationships. Wear it as jewelry or share it with your partner to promote understanding and emotional closeness.

Maintaining your amazonite's energy

To maintain the power and efficiency of your amazonite, it is important to regularly clean and charge it. You can cleanse it by gently rinsing it under cold running water, bathing it in moonlight, or placing it next to a selenite crystal overnight. Amazonite is a precious crystal that, when properly cared for, can enrich many aspects of your life and boost your overall well-being.