
Rhodonite, derived from the Greek word "Rhodon" meaning rose, is a crystal that symbolizes compassion and love. Its shades range from pale pink to deep red , each shade tells a story about the power of the heart and the ability to love unconditionally.


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7 products

Rhodonit lommesten i forskellige farver og nuancer ligger spredt ud på en lys baggrund med skygger, der fremhæver deres glatte overflade og unikke mønstreHånd holder to rhodonit lommesten, en lyserød og en sort, på en blød baggrund
Rock crystal Sale price19,00 kr
Rhodonit armbånd med runde sten i nuancer af pink, sort og brun der er strakt på et elastisk båndRhodonit armbånd bestående af rundede perler i nuancer af pink, brun og sort arrangeret i en cirkel.
Rhodonite bracelet Sale priceFrom 189,00 kr
HEART halskæde i smukke perler i nuancer af rosa og sort præsenteret på en lyserød stofpose med snorelukning og et elegant logo i guld på posenHEART halskæde præsenterer en elegant kombination af perler i nuancer af rosa, brun og sort anbragt på et blødt lyserødt stofpose med en guldbelagt logo.
HEART necklace Sale price459,00 kr
Halskæden SELF-LOVE fremstillet af smukke rosa perler ligger på en hvid æske med guldtekst ZKSELF-LOVE halskæde med perler i forskellige nuancer af pink præsenteret på en satinpose i lyserød med guld-logo
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Pendul fremstillet af rhodonit i en konisk form med en sølvfarvet kæde og en transparent perle i toppen
Pendulum - Rhodonite Sale price179,00 kr
HEART halskæde mini fremvises med flere runde perler i nuancer af pink, sort og brun, præsenteret på et silkefarvet pink stof med en gylden logo-tryk i baggrundenMini halskæde med hjerte designet i perler af forskellige farver liggende på et lyserødt stofpose med snorelukning og et smukt minimalistisk logo i guld bagved
HEART necklace mini Sale price449,00 kr
Et smukt LET GO halskæde lavet af farverige perler i nuancer af rosa og lyserød lagt sammen med en elegant lyserød silkepose med et guld-logoLET GO halskæde med runde perler i rosa nuancer ligger på en lys bordplade ved siden af en lyserød satinpose med guldtekst
LET GO necklace Sale price499,00 kr

Healing properties of Rhodonite

Rhodonite is known for its emotional and spiritual healing power, helping to dissolve the walls around the heart, promoting self-love and guiding us towards our higher truth. This crystal is a source of healing that encourages you to embrace your truth and love yourself and others fully.

The use of Rhodonite

Regardless of whether it is worn asjewelryor placed in the home, Rhodonite radiates love, balances energies and strengthens bonds, especially in intimate contexts. Its presence in your life is a reminder to embrace love in all its forms and express compassion in every action.

Purification of Rhodonite

To maintain its healing properties, Rhodonite should be cleaned with clean water and a soft cloth, occasionally it can be quickly rinsed under running water, and can be recharged by placing it nearAmethyst,seleniteor in the morning sun. Regularpurification of crystalsensures that your crystal remains a vibrating source of love and healing.

Rhodonite and Chakra

Rhodonite has a deep connection tothe heart chakra, the center of our love, trust and capacity for compassion. Life is full of challenges, and it is often our heart chakra that feels the blows. Rhodonite is your spiritual protector, watching over your heart and your ability to love.

Rhodonite crystals that are marbled with darker spots also resonate strongly withthe root chakra. This is our base of security, what roots us to the ground beneath our feet, and it is about our sense of security in the world.

Great guide: 'Everything you need to know about the 7 chakras'.

Rhodonite guides you towards love and light

Rhodonite is a heart-warming crystal that enriches your life with deep love and compassion. By embracing this crystal you invite a journey towards unconditional love, healing and spiritual growth. Let Rhodonite guide you on your way to an open heart, filled with love and light.