Orange crystals

Orange crystals radiate the energy of life and are an obvious choice for you who feel drained of energy in a busy everyday life. These crystals stimulates the svadisthana chakra , creativity, adaptability and courage to change, promoting a sense of joy and contentment.


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33 products

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Benefits of orange crystals

Physical Healing:

Orange crystals are excellent for healing the sacral chakra, addressing issues related to reproductive health, PMS symptoms and pelvic pain. They also offer warmth that can relieve rheumatic discomfort and support the health of lower organs such as the bladder and bowels.


These warm, sun-like stones fill your heart with optimism, enhancing pleasure and intimacy in relationships. Their color symbolizes hope and prosperity, inviting these qualities into your connections with others.


Orange crystals attract luck and abundance as well as guide you to success through humility and generosity. They encourage stepping out of the shadows and into the light of recognition and appreciation.


Orange stone is closely associated with creativity and sexuality, which are fundamental aspects of our spirituality. An imbalance in these areas can affect us deeply, often beyond our ability to express ourselves logically.

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