Crystal bracelet

Find the right crystal bracelet for you that can help bring healing, balance and good energy to your life. We have a large selection of beautiful jewelery adorned with precious stones and crystals , all of which have healing properties.


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34 products

Amethyst bracelet - 4 mm.Amethyst bracelet - 4 mm.
Amethyst bracelet - 4 mm. Sale priceFrom 119,00 kr
Rock crystal braceletRock crystal bracelet
Rock crystal bracelet Sale priceFrom 159,00 kr
Moss agate braceletMoss agate bracelet
Moss agate bracelet Sale priceFrom 159,00 kr
Amethyst bracelet 8 mm.Amethyst bracelet 8 mm.
Amethyst bracelet 8 mm. Sale priceFrom 119,00 kr
Rosakvarts armbåndRosakvarts armbånd
Rose quartz bracelet Sale price149,00 kr
Magnesite braceletMagnesite bracelet
Magnesite bracelet Sale price199,00 kr
Tourmaline braceletTourmaline bracelet
Tourmaline bracelet Sale priceFrom 139,00 kr
Topasjade krystal armbånd - børnTopasjade krystal armbånd - børn
Aquamarine braceletAquamarine bracelet
Aquamarine bracelet Sale price99,00 kr
Amazonite braceletAmazonite bracelet
Amazonite bracelet Sale price89,00 kr
Chakra braceletChakra bracelet
Chakra bracelet Sale price79,00 kr
Vandmelon krystal armbånd - børnWatermelon crystal bracelet - children
Moonstone Rainbow Bracelet (Small Size)Moonstone Rainbow Bracelet (Small Size)
Chakra bracelet with wooden beadsChakra bracelet with wooden beads
Rhodonite braceletRhodonite bracelet
Rhodonite bracelet Sale priceFrom 189,00 kr
Chrysocolla braceletChrysocolla bracelet
Chrysocolla bracelet Sale price249,00 kr
Angelit armbånd
Angelit armbånd Sale price139,00 kr
Rose quartz & Thulite bracelet
Rose quartz & Thulite bracelet Sale price199,00 kr
Peruvian turquoise braceletPeruvian turquoise bracelet
Peruvian turquoise bracelet Sale price219,00 kr
Rainbow fluorite braceletRainbow fluorite bracelet
Rainbow fluorite bracelet Sale priceFrom 179,00 kr
Sodalite braceletSodalite bracelet
Sodalite bracelet Sale price179,00 kr
Lilla flourit armbåndLilla flourit armbånd
Purple fluorite bracelet Sale price119,00 kr
Amazonite bracelet
Amazonite bracelet Sale price139,00 kr
Sodalite - boxSodalite - box
Sodalite - box Sale price249,00 kr
Labradorite braceletLabradorite bracelet
Labradorite bracelet Sale price199,00 kr
Serpentine crystalSerpentine crystal
Serpentine crystal Sale price229,00 kr
Larimar armbåndLarimar armbånd
Larimar bracelet Sale price222,00 kr
Larimar armbåndLarimar armbånd
Larimar bracelet Sale price219,00 kr
Lapis Lazuli armbåndLapis Lazuli armbånd
Lapis Lazuli armbånd Sale price229,00 kr
Botswana agat armbåndBotswana agat armbånd
Botswana agat armbånd Sale price229,00 kr

Crystal Bracelet

Crystal bracelets have been a popular trend for many years. These beautifulcrystal jewelryis adorned with precious stones and crystals, all of which have healing properties. With crystal bracelets you achieve a healing power that creates calm and balance. We also have a large selection ofnecklaces with crystals.

How do crystal bracelets work?

Crystal bracelet works by surrounding the person who wears it with the energies that the crystal contains, e.g.; calmness, positivity, joy or it shields from something, such as negativity, drama or anything else that can have an impact on body and soul. This happens because the crystals reflect the positive energies and absorb the negative energies that are around you. This can help restore energy that has been lost due to stress or other stresses.

What types of crystal bracelets are there?

There are many different types of crystal bracelets, which have different properties. Here are some of the most popular crystals to use in bracelets and jewelry;

Amethyst, rose quartz, jade, topaz, rock crystal, amazonite. These are just a few of the many wonderful crystals out there. Good with your intuition and your intention for what the bracelet should do for you when you select your crystal and your jewelry.

How to choose the right crystal bracelet?

There are many ways you can choose the right crystal bracelet. The best thing is to go for the crystal bracelet that has the characteristic you want. If you want to boost your self-esteem, you can choose a crystal bracelet that is made of crystals that help boost self-esteem. It is also important to look at the design as this can help amplify the energy that the crystals provide.