Rock crystal

Rock crystal is a clear crystal that is found everywhere in nature. Rock crystal has always been used as a powerful energy tool to create clarity and calm, and rock crystal is also said to be cleansing for those who use it.
A rock crystal is a crystal that brings positivity and light with it, and among other things helps to create growth and overview and is fantastic to use to promote one's intuition and spirituality. Rock crystal is also said to be an energy tool that all crystal lovers should have, as it forms such a fine base for one's own clarity and spiritual practice.

When you seek clarity in your thoughts and a focused energy, the rock crystal is your faithful companion. I deeply feel that this crystal should be a permanent part of your spiritual journey.

In shamanic traditions, it is said that by wearing or working with the rock crystal, you connect to its pure, healing light energy. This connection can open the door to your higher self. When the rock crystal's energy envelops you, you can feel a deeper connection to the universe and your spirit guides. It vibrates with a protective aura, as if the universe is holding a loving hand over you. Remember, each crystal is unique, carefully selected with the heart. Although you cannot choose a specific rock crystal, I make sure that each and every stone is special and beautiful.


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44 products

Billede af en samling af små, klare bjergkrystaller med glatte, runde kanter der ligger spredt ud på en lys overflade med skygger fra lysrefleksioner
Rock crystal - pocket stone Sale price15,00 kr
Billede af flere tigerøje lommesten i varierende størrelser og former med glansfulde overflader i nuancer af brun og gylden, der ligger på en hvid baggrund.En skål med glatte tigerøje sten i forskellige nuancer af brunt og gyldent, der ligger tilfældigt placeret og reflekterer lys.
Rock crystal Sale price29,00 kr
Bjergkrystal vedhæng i gennemsigtig, langstrakt form med en spids nedad og en sølvfarvet ophængsdel øverst
Rock crystal pendant Sale price79,00 kr
Bjergkrystal armbånd bestående af klare, glansfulde perler i en cirkulær form på en neutral baggrundBjergkrystal armbånd på håndleddet iført et sølvfarvet ur og en lys trøje
Rock crystal bracelet Sale priceFrom 159,00 kr
En lyserød satinpose med et logo, ledsaget af syv forskellige krystaller i forskellige farver og en farverig kortbeskrivelse af krystallerne og deres formål for chakraer. Krystallerne inkluderer ametyst, lapis lazuli, jade, aventurin, citrin, jasper og bergkrystal.Billede viser et Chakra-kit med syv farverige krystaller anrettet omkring et kort der beskriver hver krystal og deres tilsvarende chakraer kit inkluderer bjergkrystal, ametyst, lapis lazuli, jade, aventurin, citrin og jaspis på en lys baggrund og en lys rosa taske i venstre hjørne
Chakra kit Sale price199,00 kr
Rå kvarts vedhæng hængende fra en metallås i en hånd med hvid baggrundRå kvarts vedhæng ligger spredt på en hvid overflade, hver med unikke former og størrelser, nogle med metal ophæng, der glimtede i lyset.
Raw quartz pendant Sale price49,00 kr
Æske med titlen Harmoni og overflod åbnet for at afsløre indholdet bestående af to krystaller i lilla og gennemsigtig farve, et stykke træ og en grå mineralsten, alt placeret på en bund af strå.Billede af produktet Harmoni og overflod bestående af en lilla kvartskristal i spidsform, en hvid kvartskristal, en bit af træ og en klump grå mineral med glinsende overflade.
Harmony and abundance - box Sale price222,00 kr
Flere bjergkrystal spidser i forskellige størrelser og former placeret på en lys baggrund med svag tekstur. Spidserne har en gennemsigtig til let mælkeagtig farve der reflekterer lyset og kaster skygger på overfladen.
Rock crystal tip Sale price39,00 kr
Rhodonit lommesten i forskellige farver og nuancer ligger spredt ud på en lys baggrund med skygger, der fremhæver deres glatte overflade og unikke mønstreHånd holder to rhodonit lommesten, en lyserød og en sort, på en blød baggrund
Rock crystal Sale price19,00 kr
Krystal-vedhæng i olika former och färger på en rosa bakgrund
Crystal pendant Sale price79,00 kr
Bjergkrystal halskæde med spids i sølv- og guldbelægning præsenteret over en hvid gaveæske med et guld logo på toppenBjergkrystal halskæde med spids og ornamenteret guldplade hængende på en kæde siddende på en kvindes hals iført en hvid bluse
Billede af rå bjergkrystaller i forskellige former og størrelser der ligger på en lys overflade
Billede af flere bjergkristaller i forskellige former og størrelser placeret på en lyserød baggrund med skygger der fremhæver deres naturlige klarhed og glans.
Rock crystal raw Sale priceFrom 49,00 kr
Krystalæske med forskellige krystaller og sten præsenteret i en sort kasse med halmfyld og åbent lågBillede af otte forskellige krystaller arrangeret i to lodrette rækker inkluderende klar kvarts, aquamarine, rosenkvarts, obsidian, turmalin, pyrit, amethyst og jaspis.
Crystal box Sale price249,00 kr
Rå citrin vedhæng i forskellige størrelser og former med en varm gylden farve og klare kanter samlet på en lys overfladeRå citrin vedhæng hængende fra en sølvfarvet krog med en gennemsigtig og varm gyldenbrun overflade samt naturlige uregelmæssigheder i formen
Raw citrine pendant Sale price79,00 kr
To selenit tårne i varierende højder med en klar, gennemsigtig overflade placeret på en lys baggrundSelenit tårn i varierede størrelser med en gennemsigtig og strålende overflade placeret på en lys baggrund
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Tourmaline braceletTourmaline bracelet
Tourmaline bracelet Sale priceFrom 139,00 kr
Stykker af tourmalin-kvarts med en lysegrå og sort farvetonalitet liggende på en hvid overflade, hvor de sorte klumper skaber et kontrastfuldt mønster.Tourmalin-kvarts er en samling af ujævne, klare krystaller med sorte striber og indslag som ligger på en lys overflade
Tourmaline quartz Sale priceFrom 59,00 kr
Pendul i bjergkrystal hængende fra en guld- eller sølvfarvet kæde med en spids og en flad topPendul i bjergkrystal med en spids form og en fin kæde i sølvfarve
Pendulum - rock crystal Sale price139,00 kr
Bjergkrystal vedhæng placeret ved siden af en lyserød satinpose med et guldlogoHåndholdt bjergkrystal vedhæng med sølvfarvet ophæng i forkant med flere bjergkrystal vedhæng i baggrunden på lys flade
Rock crystal pendant Sale price99,00 kr
Rhodonit armbånd med runde sten i nuancer af pink, sort og brun der er strakt på et elastisk båndRhodonit armbånd bestående af rundede perler i nuancer af pink, brun og sort arrangeret i en cirkel.
Rhodonite bracelet Sale priceFrom 189,00 kr
Bjergkrystal halskæde i guldpræget kæde præsenteret på en hvid smykkeboks med guldlogoBjergkrystal halskæde med klare sten i en simpel opdækning på en hvid gaveæske med gyldent logo
Chakra kristallsats med olika färgade stenar i en rad på vit bakgrund
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Pendul lavet af selenit med en klar og geometrisk form hængende i en sølvfarvet kædePendul i selenit med en klar kæde og en rund perle i enden designet til spirituel brug og energiarbejde
Pendulum - Selenite Sale price139,00 kr
Citrin nøglering med en naturlig citrin sten hængende fra en metalring og kæde på en hvid baggrund
Citrine key ring Sale price79,00 kr
Bjergkrystal nøglering med en klar krystal hængende fra en metallisk kæde og ring
Rock crystal key ring Sale price79,00 kr
Sold out
Bjergkrystal halskæde i guld med en klar krystalophængning liggende på en hvid gaveæske med et guldlogo ZABillede af en bjergkrystal halskæde med en klar krystal vedhæftet til en gylden kæde placeret på en hvid æske med et guldlogo
Rock crystal necklace Sale price389,00 kr
En samling af chevron ametyst spidser i forskellige størrelser og former med nuancer af lilla og grå, placeret på en lyserød baggrundHånd der holder en chevron ametyst spids med et tydeligt mønster af lilla og hvide striber på en lyserød baggrund
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Crystal-mix necklace Sale price199,00 kr
Worry stone - Amethyst, Rock Crystal & Rose QuartzWorry stone - Amethyst, Rock Crystal & Rose Quartz

What is rock crystal?

Rock crystal, also affectionately called "clear quartz" or "crystal quartz", is one of nature's wonders. This type of quartz is one of the most abundant and diverse treasures that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us. With its clear or almost transparent beauty and the unique hexagonal shape, rock crystal is a true feast for the eyes.

Chemical composition:

Rock crystal consists mainly of silicon dioxide (SiO2). It has the same chemical composition as other varieties of quartz such as amethyst, citrine and smoky quartz, but rock crystal is characterized by its transparency.

Crystalline Structure:

Rock crystal possesses a breathtaking crystalline structure. This means that every single atom in this crystal is arranged in a harmonious and regular pattern, like a dance in perfect time. It is precisely this structure that gives rock crystal its iconic shape and clear beauty.


The most common color for rock crystal is colorless or transparent. However, it can also occur in a wide range of colors, depending on the presence of impurities or trace elements. For example, amethyst can be purple, citrine can be yellow, and smoky quartz can be brownish or grayish.

Where is the rock crystal found?

Rock crystal, or clear quartz, is found in various parts of the world, and it is one of the most abundant minerals. Here are some of the places where rock crystal is usually found:

Brazil: When you think of rock crystal, Brazil is often the first country that comes to mind. The state of Minas Gerais in particular is famous for its crystals that shine with a clarity that only nature can create.

USA: From the deep forests of Arkansas to the mountains of Colorado, rock crystal has found its home in many American states. Arkansas is especially known for its sparkling treasures.

Madagascar: This island is not only known for its unique biodiversity, but also for its rock crystals, which are equally diverse and beautiful.

Switzerland: In the heart of Europe, hidden in the Swiss Alps, there is also rock crystal that carries stories from the snowy mountain peaks.

Tibet and the Himalayan region: In the shadow of the world's highest mountains, in the quiet Tibet and Himalayas, there is rock crystal that has absorbed the energy of these majestic mountains.

These are just some of the areas where rock crystal is found. It is a widespread and versatile mineral that can be found in many other regions around the world, and the quality of the crystals can vary significantly depending on where it is mined.

The Spiritual Properties of Rock Crystal

Rock crystal has a long history within various spiritual traditions and is often attributed a number of spiritual properties and meanings. These attributes and meanings are based on belief and tradition and may vary from person to person. Rock crystal has a symbolic meaning that is often associated with clarity and purity in a spiritual and mental way. It is considered to help clear the mind, remove negative thoughts and bring clarity to thoughts and intentions.

Many also believe that rock crystal has a powerful energy that can enhance one's spiritual practice. The stone can be used to enhance meditation, healing and energy work. In some spiritual practices, rock crystal is used to open and balance the seven chakras in the body and create harmony in the flow of energy through them.

Rock crystal is also considered to have protective properties and can shield the user from negative energy, evil spirits or harmful influences. It can also strengthen one's ability to communicate clearly and honestly both with oneself and others and promote intuitive and spiritual interaction.

Some believe that rock crystal can aid in the manifestation and fulfillment of desires and goals by focusing and amplifying one's intentions. The stone symbolizes balance and harmony, both within one's inner self and in relation to the outside world, and is said to help find inner peace and tranquility.

And for many of us rock crystal is a bridge to the divine. It strengthens our connection to the spiritual and helps us find deeper meanings in our journey. Although these qualities are not scientifically proven, they are part of many people's personal experiences and spiritual practices.

How is rock crystal used?

Rock crystal is used in different ways depending on one's purpose and beliefs. Here are some common ways rock crystal can be used:

Meditation and Mindfulness:Rock crystal is like a silent friend who guides you through the depths of meditation. Many hold it close, let its energy become part of their meditation and find peace and clarity in its beauty.

Energy work:Some believe that rock crystal has powerful energy and use it to balance and adjust their own energy system. This may include placing the stone on specific chakra points or body parts to relieve imbalances.

Protection:Rock crystal is like a guardian angel that keeps negativity away. Many carry it as a talisman, a silent protector that accompanies them on their journey.

Creativity and inspiration:Some artists and creative people use rock crystal as a source of inspiration. They believe that the stone can open the mind to creativity and new ideas.

Alternative medicine:In alternative medicine, rock crystal is sometimes used as a tool to promote healing and relieve various physical and emotional ailments. This may include placing crystals on the body or using them to make essential oils or potions.

Jewelery and decoration:Rock crystal is popular in jewelry making because of its beauty and versatility. Many people wear rock crystal as jewelry in the form of necklaces, bracelets or earrings.

Charging other crystals:Rock crystal is often used to charge other crystals. This involves placing the crystals to be charged next to or on top of a rock crystal for a while to amplify their energy.

Crystals are fascinating and versatile precious stones that have found a place in many people's lives due to their beauty and the potential spiritual and healing properties they are said to possess. They can be used in different ways and take on a variety of roles in our daily lives. Here are some of the ways we can integrate crystals into our lives:

In your pocket or bag:One of the most practical ways to carry crystals is by carrying them in your pocket or bag. This allows you to have access to their energy and properties throughout the day. You can choose crystals based on your intentions or needs, and they can act as small amulets of protection, love, clarity or balance, depending on the stone.

In the home:Crystals can be used as decorative elements in your home. Imagine placing them on the windowsill where the sun's rays catch their beauty, or elegantly arranged on a shelf or in a beautiful vase. But their beauty is only the beginning. Many believe that crystals can transform the energy in a room, create an atmosphere of positivity and harmony, and make your home a true haven for the soul.

Under the pillow:Some people place crystals under their pillow or mattress to promote a better sleep quality and dream experience. Crystals such as amethyst and rose quartz are considered useful for this purpose.

For meditation:Crystals can be a powerful companion during meditation and mindfulness practice. You can choose a crystal that resonates with what you want to achieve and place it in front of you or hold it in your hand during your meditation to strengthen your connection to your inner self and your intentions.

For cleaning purposes:Many believe that crystals have the ability to absorb and cleanse negative energy. You can use crystals like rock crystal or black tourmaline to protect your energy field or cleanse your other crystals by placing them near the crystals you want to cleanse.

For body work:Crystals can also be integrated into alternative healing practices such as crystal therapy and acupuncture. Crystals can be placed on specific chakra points or areas of the body to promote energy balance and well-being.

It is important to choose the crystals that resonate with you personally and to have a clear intention with their use. Whether you use crystals for their beauty, spiritual meaning or healing properties, they can add a unique dimension to your life and contribute to your well-being.

Fact box:



Zodiac sign:All

Clean:Incense, Full Moon, Selenite & Visualization