
A symbol of clear communication and inner wisdom, Larimar is characterized by the peaceful energies of the sky and sea. This crystal is a wonder of nature that encapsulates the essence of calm and clarity, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.


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Healing properties of Larimar

Larimar offers calming strength and cleansing energy that helps withstress relief, high blood pressure and skin problems, while improving communication. This heavenly stone is a source of comfort and healing, gently clearing your emotional landscape and bringing balance and harmony into your life.

Larimar: A calming presence

Known for its calming presence, Larimar gives courage, balances emotions and steers away from self-destructive thoughts. It brings calm to an often turbulent world, inviting you to embrace your true strength and beauty.

How to use Larimar

By carryingjewelrywith Larimar close to the skin, you support the health and communication of the throat chakra. Its presence in your life is a constant reminder to speak your truth, be true to yourself, your intuition and values, and live in harmony with your surroundings.

Caring for your Larimar crystals

To clean and charge your Larimar, it is recommended to rinse it under running water without soaking and charge it away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.Incensecan also be effective tocleanse of your crystals.

Larimar and Chakra

Larimar plays a big role when it comes to the power of communication. It helps to clean the upperchakras, strengthen your authentic voice and remove unhealthy thoughts. Larimar is enveloped in celestial energies and works across all the upper chakras. Although it is primarily considered a stone forthe throat chakra, because of its soft,ocean coloredenergy, it is also a solid companion forthe heart chakra,the third eyeandthe crown chakra. A clear flow of energy from the heart up to the crown will do wonders for your sense of love, trust, wisdom, communication and connection with higher beings.