
Opalite is a source of inspiration that promotes imagination and creativity. Known for its ability to encourage deep emotional clarity, this stunning crystal acts as a portal to your inner landscape where dreams and visions are given free rein.


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8 products

Billede af rå opalit stykker i forskellige former og størrelser med en perlemorsagtig blå farve og gennemsigtige egenskaber som reflekterer lys i nuancer af orange og gult.En hånd holder et lyseblåt stykke rå opalit under sollys med flere mindre stykker opalit liggende i baggrunden på en lys marmoroverflade
Raw Opalite Sale priceFrom 29,00 kr
Opalit poleret sten i forskellige nuancer af blå og hvidt ligger tilfældigt på en lys baggrund med glatte og skinnende overfladerTre polerede opalitsten i en hånd med en neutral baggrund Stenene har en glat overflade og indeholder nuancer af lys blå og lilla med en subtil glød Størrelsen på stenene varierer og de ligger tæt sammen i hånden
Opalite polished Sale price39,00 kr
En samling af blå og sorte krystaller i forskellige former og størrelser, spredt på en hvid baggrund.
Blue opal Sale priceFrom 15,00 kr
hänge med ljusblå och transparent kristall
Opalite pendant Sale price49,00 kr
Armband av ljusblåa pärlorEtt armband av genomskinliga glaspärlor i ett cirkulärt mönster
Opalite bracelet Sale priceFrom 149,00 kr
Opalit hjerte i vit färg
Opalite heart Sale price89,00 kr
Pendul i opalit med en let krystalformet spids hængende fra en sølvfarvet kæde designet til at hjælpe med energiarbejde og meditation
Pendulum - Opalite Sale price169,00 kr
Et smukt halskæde kaldet PURE med glatte sten i nuancer af lyserød og beige ligger omkring et pink silkepose og en elegant gaveæske med en guldfarvet logo ZA.Et PURE halskæde lavet af runde, glatte perler i nuancer af pink og hvid ligger på en lyserød stofpose med et guldlogo i midten.
PURE necklace Sale price549,00 kr

Healing properties of Opalite

Opalite possesses healing energies that can soothe and heal the emotional body, bringing a sense of calm, safety and inner peace. Its soft, soothing energies are a source of comfort and healing, inviting balance and harmony into your heart.

Protection with Opalite

Opalite acts as a protective shield against negative energies, absorbing and reflecting harmful thoughts and intentions back to their source. This crystal is your spiritual protector, watching over your energy and ensuring that you maintain your light and clarity, even in the face of challenges.

The use of Opalit in your everyday life

Opalite can be worn as jewelry, placed on the chakras during meditation, or placed in the home to harness their transformative energies and invite positive vibrations. Its presence in your life is a daily reminder to embrace your creativity, listen to your intuition and live in harmony with your true essence.

Care of Opalite crystals

To maintain the power of Opalite, it is essential to cleanse it regularly, either by placing it under the light of the full moon or by using other crystals such asclear quartzorselenite. Correctcare of your crystalensuring that it remains a brilliant source of inspiration and protection.

Opalite and Chakra

Opalite has a strong connection to severalchakras, each with its unique color and healing properties.BlackOpalit supportsthe root chakraand helps create the feeling of grounding and safety.GreenorpinkOpalit opensthe heart chakra, whileblueOpalite improvesof the throat chakracommunication. Thewhite and clear, which is the most common form of Opalite, promisesthe crown chakraand contributes to spiritual wealth and higher consciousness.

Use Opalite on your journey towards self-realization

Opalite is a stone that enriches your life with color, clarity and creative power. By embracing this crystal you invite a journey towards self-expression, healing and spiritual awakening. Let opal be your companion on this journey and experience how it transforms your world with its beauty and magic.