Gift card

Gift card for services

You can order a digital gift card below or you can fill in the form below and have a physical gift card sent to you. Please note that gift cards only apply to services and cannot be used in the webshop.

Buy a digital gift card

Gift card for the webshop

Do you want to please someone you care about with a gift card for books, crystals or something else? Then order your gift card for the webshop below.

Buy gift cards for the webshop

Questions or need help?

You can order a physical gift card via: kontakt@zoeyadrianna or by using the contact form here


Please write or call if there are any questions I can help clarify.

Gift card

Gift cards are valid for 2 years and can be used for all services.


As a therapist, I comply with the ethical rules and guidelines, so you are in safe hands.