Rose quartz

Rose quartz is also called the stone of love, and rose quartz is one of the most well-known and popular crystals . Rose Quartz is perfect for helping bring more love and self-love into life. But at the same time, it also helps you shield yourself from negative vibrations, both physically and psychologically.

Rose quartz is also widely known to shield against negative radiation from televisions, telephones and other electronics. Then place it on your desk, in front of the television and wherever else you have electronics and radiation that you would like to be shielded against.


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19 products

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What is rose quartz

Rose quartz is a variant of quartz, which is one of the most common minerals on Earth. What makes rose quartz unique is its characteristic pink color, which ranges from a delicate pale pink to deeper shades of pink. Here are some important features of rose quartz:

Chemical composition:

Rose quartz consists mainly of silicon dioxide (SiO2), like other varieties of quartz such as rock crystal. The pink color is due to the presence of trace elements such as titanium, iron or manganese.

Color and Clarity:

Rose quartz varies in color from pale pink to deep pink, and sometimes it can have a slight haze. Crystals with high clarity and a deeper pink color are usually considered more valuable.

Rose quartz is also known as rose quartz.

Where is rose quartz found?

Rose quartz is mined from various locations around the world and the abundance of quality rose quartz can vary depending on where it is mined. Some of the places where rose quartz is mined include:

Brazil:Brazil is one of the most well-known sources of rose quartz, especially from the Minas Gerais region. It is also known for producing high quality rose quartz with a beautiful pink color.

Madagascar:Madagascar is another significant source of rose quartz. The stone from this region has a wide range of shades, including intense pink and pale rose.

USA:Rose quartz occurs in some US states such as South Dakota, North Carolina and Colorado. South Dakota is known for its state capstone, the pink quartz called "Rose Quartz," which is a variation of rose quartz.

Namibia:Namibia in southern Africa also has significant production of rose quartz. The stone from this region has a bright and clear pink color.

Madagascar:Madagascar is known for its "Strawberry Quartz," a variety of rose quartz that has darker red or pink inclusions, giving the stone a strawberry-like appearance.

Spain:Spain also has some deposits of rose quartz, especially in the area around Galicia.

Elsewhere:Rose quartz is also found in other parts of the world, including South Africa, India and Russia, although the quality and quantity can vary.

It is important to note that not all rose quartz is high quality and the color and clarity may vary. Quality rose quartz is often used in jewelry making and crystal therapy, while lesser quality is used for decorative purposes or cut as cabochons for jewelry. Rose quartz is known for its loving and calming energies and is often used to promote emotional healing and heart opening.

Rose Quartz Spiritual Properties

Spiritual and Metaphysical Meanings of Rose Quartz:

Rose quartz is often associated with love, heart energy and emotional healing in spiritual and metaphysical practices. Here are some of the spiritual properties and meanings often attributed to rose quartz:

Love and Heart Healing:

Rose quartz symbolizes love in all its forms, including romantic love, self-love, and compassion for others. It is said to help heal emotional wounds and open the heart chakra to receive and give love.

Self-love and self-esteem:

Rose quartz promotes self-love, self-esteem and inner harmony. It encourages you to love and accept yourself as you are.

Family and friendships:The stone is said to strengthen connections in family and friendships and promote harmony and trust.

Stress reduction:

Rose quartz is considered to have a calming energy that helps reduce stress, anxiety and negative emotions.

Spiritual growth:

Rose quartz can also be used in spiritual practice and meditation to promote spiritual growth and development.

Rose quartz is a beautiful and symbolic stone valued for its loving energy and spiritual significance. It is an ideal stone for those seeking heart opening, love and inner balance.

How do you use rose quartz?

Rose quartz is a beautiful crystal often used to promote love, heart healing and emotional balance. Here are some ways you can use rose quartz in your daily life:

Jewelry:Wearing rose quartz as jewelry is one of the most common ways to keep the stone close to your body. You can find rose quartz necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. Wearing rose quartz as jewelry allows you to carry its loving energy with you throughout the day.

Meditation:You can use rose quartz in your meditation by holding the stone in your hand or placing it in front of you. During meditation you can focus on the energy of rose quartz to promote heart opening and emotional healing.

Energy work:Rose quartz is known to work with the heart energy and the heart chakra. You can place rose quartz on your chest while lying down and visualize how the stone helps open and balance your heart energy.

Self care:Use rose quartz as part of your self-care routine. Place it in your bath water or hold it in your hand while you practice mindfulness and self-reflection. Rose quartz can help you connect with yourself and promote self-love.

Decoration:Use rose quartz as decoration in your home or work area. It can be as a single stone on your desk or as part of a crystal collection. The energy of rose quartz is said to create a positive and loving atmosphere. Rose quartz is also said to protect against radiation from electronics, which is why you can advantageously place it in front of the TV, computer or by your mobile phone.

Love Rituals:Some people use rose quartz in love rituals or ceremonies. This can include placing the stone under your pillow to attract loving dreams or using it as part of a love meditation.

Gift:You can give a rose quartz stone as a gift to a friend or loved one. It is a beautiful way to share the energy of love with someone you care about.

It is important to have a clear intention when using rose quartz and remember that the effects of the stone can vary from person to person. However you choose to use rose quartz, it can be a beautiful way to promote love, harmony and emotional well-being in your life.

Fact box:


Zodiac sign:Taurus, Libra

Clean:Incense, Full Moon, Selenite