
Labradorite is famous for its mystical properties, often associated with self-discovery, intuition and inner spirit. This enchanting crystal is a guide on the journey towards deeper self-awareness and spiritual awakening, a companion that illuminates the darkness and reveals the path to your true self.


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6 products

Sort labradoritkrystaller i forskellige størrelser og former lagt på en lys overflade med en glat og skinnende overflade der fremhæver de mørke nuancer og lysreflekterende egenskaber
Black labradorite Sale price29,00 kr
Krystal-vedhæng i forskellige former og farver ligger på en lyserød baggrund med sølvbeslag, variationer inkluderer ametyst, tigerøje, grøn agat og obsidian.
Crystal pendant Sale price79,00 kr
Labradorit tårn med spids top og iriserende blå og grønne nuancer på en grå baggrund
Labradorite - Tower Sale priceFrom 119,00 kr
Pendul i labradorit hængende fra en sølvfarvet kæde med en perle i toppen arbejder med en facetteret, konisk form i grålige nuancer med subtile iriserende effekter.Pendul i labradorit med en sølvfarvet kæde designet til divination og energiarbejde
Pendulum - Labradorite Sale price179,00 kr
Labradorit armbånd lavet af glitrende labradoritperler i grå og blå nuancer på elastisk snorLabradorit armbånd bestående af glatte perler med en grålig farve og iriserende nuancer der skaber et skinnende og elegant udseende
Labradorite bracelet Sale price199,00 kr
Labradorit halskæde lavet af små naturlige stykker labradorit i forskellige farver og former ligger på en hvid gaveæske med et guldfarvet logoLabradorit halskæde lavet af polerede sten i forskellige nuancer der skinner i lyset liggende på en lyserød stofpose med et gyldent logo
Labradorite necklace Sale price199,00 kr

Healing powers in Labradorite

Labradorite is believed to possess healing energies that canrelieve anxiety and depressionand potentially strengthen the immune system. Thisblack crystal is a source of comfort and healing, bringing light and hope in challenging times, helping you find balance and inner peace.

Protection with Labradorite

The beautiful Labradorite crystal is said to offer a shield against negative energies and misfortune, Labradorite promotes a secure and down-to-earth existence. This crystal is your spiritual protector, watching over you and ensuring you stand strong and secure no matter what life throws your way.

How to use Labradorite

Labradorite can be used in meditation or worn asjewelryto enhance self-awareness, psychic abilities and navigate through life changes. It is a catalyst for transformation and growth, inspiring to explore the unknown with courage and confidence.

Proper care of Labradorite

To maintain its luster and energetic properties, it is advisable to regularly cleanse and recharge labradorite, either byincenseor placement in the moonlight. This ensures that your crystal remains an effective source of hope and protection. Also see:How to clean your crystals.

Labradorite and Chakra

Labradorite is closely related toThe Throat Chakra– the tool of communication, andThird Eye Chakra– that which connects us to the spiritual world, labradorite balances the boundary between our earthly needs and that which helps us take the leap higher. This crystal is a bridge builder between the physical and the spiritual, opening doors to new perspectives and deeper understanding. Great guide:All about the 7 chakras.