Written clairvoyance

Get loving answers to your questions.

With a written clairvoyance, you can choose to ask some personal and specific questions to which you want answers, or you can let the universe give you the messages and messages that are important for you to know right now and in the future.

If you choose to let the universe decide the messages, it usually covers the next 2-3 months.

Written clairvoyance is a great way to get messages if you need to read the answers again or you don't have time for a telephone or physical session. The result, the answers and messages are equally good - so there is no difference in quality at all, regardless of which type of session you choose.

When you ask questions, remember that the more specific you are in your question, the more specific an answer you will get back.

I tune into you clairvoyantly, feel your energy and use my clairvoyant abilities to answer your questions.

Price: from DKK 450.

book a time

Practical information

Here's how you do it:

1. Book your appointment via my online booking

2. In the notes field, after you have booked your appointment, write down your questions. Make them as specific as possible.

3. If you want, you can send a similar, recent picture of yourself to kontakt@zoeyadrianna.dk - I use that to tune in to your energy.


If it is easier for you, you can instead book your appointment via kontakt@zoeyadrianna.dk and pay via Mobilepay to the number: 888122

You get:

  • Concrete and constructive answers to your questions or answers from the universe about the future
  • Approximately 1-2 A4 pages of answers per questions
  • Guidance on what will be best for you to do
  • Guarantee that you understand my answer and if not, you get free elaboration
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Option to ask follow-up questions at a cheaper price.


I comply with the code of ethics and of course have a duty of confidentiality. I do not tell anything about death or misfortune, just as I do not clairvoyantly tune in to people who have not asked for it.

Before you book your appointment, please read the frequently asked questions here

*(Follow-up questions: This applies 2 days after you have received a written clairvoyance, for if you have an additional follow-up question, in relation to the questions you have already asked.)

What can I use clairvoyance for?

Clairvoyance can be used for several different things. Some clients use clairvoyance to get concrete and clear answers to some personal questions they need answered. Others use clairvoyance to get some help with challenges they themselves find difficult to solve. Most often, the answer is right in front of our noses, but it is not always that we humans ourselves see clearly when it comes to ourselves. Therefore, the clairvoyant can see clearly for the client and provide the answers, tools and solutions to the challenges that are needed.

Sometimes we humans also have an idea of ​​what the challenge or problem is, but the spiritual world has a different view of things and can therefore guide us with information we didn't even know we needed.