
The perfect crystal for those who want help with manifestation, self-confidence and prosperity. Pyrite is also called "fool's gold" as it was often mistaken for real gold by aspiring gold diggers.


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Twelve glitrende sten af pyrit spredt tilfældigt på en lys overflade med dybe grå og gyldne nuancer. Stenene viser skarpe kanter og krystallinske strukturer, og nogle er større end andre, hvilket skaber en interessant visuel variation.To små stykker Pyrit ligger i en hånd på en let tekstureret baggrund. Det øverste stykke er gråbrunt med glimtende overflade, mens det nederste er lettere og mere sølvfarvet.
Pyrite Sale priceFrom 59,00 kr
Krystalæske med forskellige krystaller og sten præsenteret i en sort kasse med halmfyld og åbent lågBillede af otte forskellige krystaller arrangeret i to lodrette rækker inkluderende klar kvarts, aquamarine, rosenkvarts, obsidian, turmalin, pyrit, amethyst og jaspis.
Crystal box Sale price249,00 kr
Æske med titlen Harmoni og overflod åbnet for at afsløre indholdet bestående af to krystaller i lilla og gennemsigtig farve, et stykke træ og en grå mineralsten, alt placeret på en bund af strå.Billede af produktet Harmoni og overflod bestående af en lilla kvartskristal i spidsform, en hvid kvartskristal, en bit af træ og en klump grå mineral med glinsende overflade.
Harmony and abundance - box Sale price222,00 kr
Chalcopyrite rå små sten i forskellige størrelse og former med gyldne og brune nuancer samt grønne og grå detaljer spredt ud på en lys baggrundBillede af små stykker chalcopyrit rå med glinsende, metallisk overflade i nuancer af guld, grøn og brun spredt på en lys baggrund
Chalcopyrite raw Sale priceFrom 49,00 kr
Pyrit Tårn i mørk metal med lige linjer og en spids guldtop.
Pyrite - Tower Sale price149,00 kr


Pyrite, also known as iron pyrite, is a gemstone with a golden sheen. It is one of the oldest crystals used in jewelry and is the eighth most famous crystal in the world. As an energy tool, Pyrite stone will fill you with strength, success, robustness and self-confidence and will be a good help on your way forward. Pyrite is a strong stone. It is really good to place in areas where you work, as it strengthens your own belief in yourself and your projects. Thereby it supports you in the work process, and in manifesting what you are working for.

The story of Pyrite

Pyrite has been used for centuries, often as a symbolic stone used to create power and protection. It was also known as a "money stone" and was used to bring money and prosperity to the owner.

Structure and properties of pyrite

Pyrite has a unique structure consisting of cubic crystallized iron sulfide. It is a very robust material that is relatively resistant to wear and tear. The color is often gold or silver, and it has a shiny, sparkling sheen.

Why is Pyrite an attractive money stone?

Pyrite is a popular choice as a money stone as it creates a positive energy that attracts prosperity and material goods. Moreover, this crystal is also known to be an attractive and magnificent gemstone that brings good luck to the owner. This makes it the perfect stone for creating material wealth and success.