
Magnesite is a beautiful stone that reminds you that if you have no earth connection, you can't get sky connection either. It is therefore of no use to be floating in the spiritual and spiritual world if you do not have a ground connection - balance is needed and magnesite can help with that. The crystal therefore helps us to remember that both our ground connection and our contact with the spiritual world must be in balance.

Use magnesite to collect thoughts, feel yourself and create the necessary balance between the spiritual and physical worlds.


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Magnesit armbånd lavet af runde perler i forskellige nuancer af hvid og grå med marmormønstre på en neutral baggrundMagnesit armbånd i hvid og grå farve med marmorering ligger i en elegant gaveæske med et guld logo på toppen
Magnesite bracelet Sale price199,00 kr

The history of magnesite

Magnesite has been known and used since ancient times. It has been used as jewelry and as a healing and spiritual stone. It has also been used as a means of creating balance and strength in life. Magnesite is known to have a calming effect on humans and has been used by many cultures throughout time.

Magnesite is a beautiful, semi-precious stone. It is a strong, lustrous, black mineral composed of magnesium and silicon dioxide. It is one of the most powerful sources of energy used for healing and it has been used for centuries as a magical stone that gives strength and energy to its wearers.

Gain strength with Magnesite

Magnesite gives strength to its wearer and promotes a sense of mental strength. It helps bring clarity to the mind and provides a sense of balance. It can help reduce stress and anxiety and helps provide a sense of control and confidence.

Magnesite provides balance

Magnesite helps to create balance in life. It helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and provides a sense of control and confidence. It also helps bring peace and harmony to your life and create a stronger emotional bond with those you care about.

Energetic mental magnetism

Magnesite is a powerful mental magnet that can help create clarity of thought and provide a sense of energy and strength. It helps to focus on creating positive results and creates a sense of purpose and positive results. It helps create a strong spiritual connection and helps improve your mental magnetism.