
Face the summer with an open heart, calmness and deep gratitude

Gå sommeren i møde med et åbent hjerte, ro og dyb taknemmelighed

Episode #30 is dedicated to facing summer with an open heart, calmness, renewed energy, positive affirmations and deep gratitude. In this episode, I will explore how we can use this time of year to deepen our spiritual practice, find joy in the present, and create a life filled with positive energy and gratitude.

Summer is a time of abundance, growth and light. It is the period of the year when nature is in full bloom and the sun shines most intensely. Summer symbolizes personal growth, enlightenment and manifestation. It is a perfect time to reflect on our lives and goals and bring more light and joy into our everyday lives.

But what really lies behind these feelings of growth and positive energy? Is it something we can naturally attract, or does it require conscious effort and practice? In this episode we dive into the heart of how we can use positive affirmations and gratitude to transform our lives in this bright and energizing season.

Buy my gratitude journal or Positive affirmations .

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