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Hvad er spiritualitet?


Spirituality can be interpreted and understood in many different ways. For me personally, it implies a connection to the spiritual dimension of life – that which cannot be seen with the naked eye ...

5 tips til at komme i kontakt med universet

5 tips to get in touch with the universe

Here are my 5 essential tips on how to get in touch with the universe and get its help. Whether you are a beginner or not, these points are important if you want to learn how to better connect wit...

Interview med SFHEALTH

Interview with SFHEALTH

"I believe that in our society we are overburdened and stop fed with food and information about food. We are simply oversaturated and malnourished, where we are getting further and further away f...

Helbred dit liv

Heal your life

...a book by a fantastic and inspiring person. And not just a book.. the book. There is no doubt that Heal Your Life is the book I have recommended the most in all the 14-15 years I have known ...

Interview med yogalærer Stina Madelaire

Interview with yoga teacher Stina Madelaire.

"Yoga gives me an opportunity to check in and hold space for how I feel without having to fix, remove or optimize anything"

Reiki healing - et vidunderligt redskab

Reiki healing - a wonderful tool

Have you heard of Reiki or perhaps tried it? Then you are among many millions of other people worldwide. Healing is a wonderful tool to create balance and wholeness in body and mind, and somethin...



Do you know all the benefits of meditation? Certainly not… I don't know them all either. But I know from myself that meditation gives me an inner and outer calm, clarity, focus and a feeling that...

Tabu om spiritualitet - på P3

Taboo about spirituality - on P3

The other day I had the pleasure of being a guest on the radio program Tabu on P3, where I, together with the wonderful hosts Line Kirsten and Adnan Al-Adhami, talked about the taboo that can be c...

Interview med sundheds-coach Camilla Tromborg

Interview with health coach Camilla Tromborg

In this interview I met the beautiful, gentle and fantastic Camilla Tromborg. Camilla is a trained holistic health coach and is simply one of the nicest and most interesting people I have met.

Rens ud i energien

Clear out the energy

White sage, frankincense and palo santo One of the things I love most there is getting the energy cleaned out - it can be both in the home, but also in myself. One of the ways to do this is b...