Are you interested in health and wellness? Then this interview is for you!
In this interview I met the beautiful, gentle and fantastic Camilla Tromborg. Camilla is a trained holistic health coach and is simply one of the nicest and most interesting people I have met.
In this interview, she talks about her own path into the health world, her work and offers good tips for health and wellness. Read on and be inspired by this wonderful woman...
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself and what you do on a daily basis?
Of course! My name is Camilla, and I work daily in a Helsekost store and I have just graduated as a Holistic Health Coach. I am in the process of building my own coaching business, where I dream of helping young women who face some of the same problems that I myself have been through - digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, impure skin - and last but not least , lack of self-esteem and self-love. I have big dreams and visions to help women feel better about their physical bodies, but more importantly, to teach them to love and accept themselves.
As a Holistic Health Coach, we work with clients in long-term processes, where we look at their lives as a whole. Of course, I look at what can be optimized in relation to their diet to improve their health and general well-being - but we will also look at other, at least equally important, aspects of their life - are they engaged in a career they like ? Are they on good terms? How is their financial situation? Etc. We look together at their lives as a whole and see how we can improve their situation. Because you can eat a lot of cabbage and greens, but that doesn't necessarily make you happier and happier if you're also going day in and day out at a job you hate.
Can you enlighten the readers a little about how you ended up on the shelf you are on now?
Oh yes, it is a long journey. My interest in the more alternative world in relation to health comes after I have had many problems with various things growing up. When I was a child I suffered from a lot of digestive problems, which were really problematic for me in my everyday life. I had a blood test done, but I wasn't allergic to anything and that was it. Then when I got older I started to investigate myself what can cause digestive problems, and there I started to experiment with different things and pay more attention to what gave me problems. Because of all the digestive problems in my childhood, it also meant that my immune system was way down in my youth. I got sick a lot in high school, and then I also started getting hormonal acne. And I think all young women who suffer from impure skin know what it does to self-esteem.
" is much more than just what you eat and how much you exercise. Health is most of all about whether you feel good in life and whether you are happy with and accept and love yourself."
Then came the time to choose education, and there I probably just "did what everyone else did" and made the safe and right choice. So I ended up doing a bachelor's at CBS, followed by a master's. But in the later years of the education, I could feel that something was not quite right - that it was not the way I should go.
My interest in helping and inspiring others has really always been there, but has really increased in the past few years. When I finished my education and lost a job, I knew that the time had finally come to follow the educational path I was REALLY passionate about. So there I signed up for a holistic health coach training - and it has really been the right thing for me. I developed so much during the year I took the course, and my belief in myself and my dreams and visions have grown even more.

Do you have some kind of routine when it comes to health and wellness that you follow?
Certainly, there are many different things, both when it comes to internal and external health care. Every morning I meditate, as it gives good peace of mind and a wonderful start to the day. Then I write down what I am grateful for and some positive affirmations.
In terms of health, I drink at least one cup of green tea every morning. It's something I've done over the past several years, and is a regular part of the morning ritual. Green tea is full of antioxidants and is super good for us! In addition, I focus on drinking plenty of water and eating lots of vegetables. Then, of course, I also take a number of different nutritional supplements to give my body the best conditions. In addition, I have a lot of other small health habits that I make use of every now and then, both lots of green smoothies, facial massages, dry brushing the body, etc.
And then I have become extremely good at feeling what my body needs. I certainly haven't always been. Back in my childhood and youth, I didn't listen to it at all if, for example, it was getting hungry and had low blood sugar, or if my brain needed rest - I often just drove on and wanted to follow everyone else, which often made me end up feeling physically ill. To this day, I can feel incredibly quickly what my body needs, and I listen and give it what it needs - because my body and my health are the most important.
What is the best advice you have received in relation to health?
That health is much more than just what you eat and how much you exercise. Health is most of all about whether you feel good in life and whether you are happy with, accept and love yourself. Learning to love and accept yourself as you are is probably the best thing you can do for your own health. But, it is also one of the most difficult.
What do you think are some of the most important things we as humans need to know in relation to health and wellness?
That it's actually super simple - and we all know what "health" is, often we just overcomplicate it, or don't get it done. We all know that eating more green and unprocessed food is good for us. We know that we should drink plenty of water. We know that we need to move our bodies and that fresh air is good for us. The problem is the lack of connection between knowing something and doing something - and that's really where I want to help people. Every time I hold sessions with someone and I ask them what they think is the most important thing they can do in terms of improving their health situation - they all know the answer well. The problem is they don't.
There is thus a great imbalance in relation to the knowledge we have and the implementation of it in our lives. There is a lack of action behind it.
You yourself have clients in the process and help them with their problems. Is there something that you find often repeats itself in relation to what your clients struggle with?
I think a lot of people come to guidance counselors, coaches, etc., because of the more "external factors", such as digestive problems, impure skin, weight loss and whatever it may be - but what it often boils down to is a lack of self-acceptance, self-love and self-esteem. It all starts in and with ourselves. So if we want to go in and change the external factors, then we have to go in and work with ourselves and our own beliefs.
Who inspires you most in the health world?
Oh, well, there are simply SO many inspiring people in this world! Louise Hay has really inspired me a lot in relation to how important our own self-esteem and self-acceptance are for our health. In addition, I also think that Bruce Lipton and all his knowledge about Epigenetics is super inspiring. I'm also a big fan of Deepak Chopra, and if you look within your own national borders, Tina Lykkegaard also inspires me incredibly! I could go on, there are so many inspiring people in this world.
If my readers would like to read more about you, where can they do so?
They can do that on my website , or follow along on my instagram @camillatromborg, where you are also always welcome to write and contact me if you have any questions!
Thank you so much dear soul for allowing me to join, I am so grateful for that!
You can also listen to the podcast Helhed, where Camilla guested on my podcast for a talk about spirituality and loving yourself. Listen here!