Træk et tarotkort

Zoey Adrianna

Draw a tarot card

Here on this page you can draw a tarot card completely free of charge.

By reflecting on the insights of the tarot card, you gain a clearer understanding of your emotional and psychological state. This increased self-awareness empowers you to make choices that are more in line with your authentic self and helps you navigate your current life situations with confidence.

Also try: Draw an angel card .

Before you draw a tarot card:

Before you draw a tarot card, take a moment to reflect on the question you wish to explore. Let the maps be a guiding force on your journey. Tarot readings can offer insights into various aspects of life, be it love, career or major life decisions, both big and small.

Tarot cards are an ideal entry into the spiritual world for beginners as they offer a direct connection to the universal themes and archetypes that exist within all of us.
Rider-Waite tarotkort pakke med illustration af Manden med tryllestaven på en gul baggrund pakke indeholder 78 kort samt en instruktionsbog

What are tarot cards?

A deck of tarot cards usually consists of 78 cards used to connect with the spiritual world and provide in-depth understanding. They are used to predict the future as well as to investigate answers to questions or challenges. The cards are divided into two main groups: the Major and the Minor Arcana.

The cards you can turn over on this page belong to the popular classic Rider-Waite tarot card set . If you are new to tarot cards, you can advantageously buy the practical Rider-Waite tarot set , which comes with Danish instructions and explanations.

See also my guide: Tarot cards for beginners .

Rider-Waite tarotkort i et layout med ni kort hvoraf de øverste tre kort viser dronningen af pentakleren, syv pentakler og ridderen af pentaklerne. De midterste kort viser styrken, kongen af pentaklerne og otte pentakler. De nederste kort viser seks pentakler, siden af pentaklerne og tryllekunstneren. Alle kort har lyse farver og detaljerede illustrationer.

Draw today's tarot cards online

Many choose to draw a tarot card on this site every single day, and there is a good reason for that. Starting your day with a tarot card can bring both clarity and direction to your everyday life. It's about gaining insight into the energies and themes that surround you right now. Each card has its own unique symbolism that can help you with everything from small daily choices to the bigger decisions that shape your life path.

Why draw a daily tarot card?

Making tarot a daily practice can be a wonderful way to strengthen your intuition and gain a deeper understanding of the patterns unfolding in your life. When you draw a card each day, you not only gain a new perspective, but also a quiet reminder to listen to yourself and what really matters. It can create calmness, focus and a sense of balance – like taking a short break in the middle of everyday busyness, where you just take a deep breath and notice.

How to listen to the wisdom of the tarot cards

When you draw a tarot card, it's not just the card's image and symbolism that speaks to you. The cards act as a mirror that reflects your own inner wisdom. Take a moment to sit with the card and ask yourself: What feelings does it evoke in me? What thoughts and memories come to mind? Listen to your intuition and pay attention to which areas of your life the card's message relates to.

To make it easier for you to understand each card's message, I have added a brief explanation in keyword form to all the cards. These little notes can help you decode the meaning of the card and make it easier to relate to your life and the questions you face.