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Om at føle sig anderledes og hvordan vi lader være med at bekymre os om hvad andre tænker

About feeling different and how we stop worrying about what others think

In today's episode I talk about feeling different, lonely, outside or like the black sheep. Something that many - especially sensitive people - go through, but don't quite know how to handle.

Alle har ikke clairvoyante evner - men alle har en intuition!

Not everyone has clairvoyant abilities - but everyone has an intuition!

In today's episode I talk about clairvoyance. Not everyone has clairvoyant abilities, but we all have an intuition and an inner compass that we can connect with and practice listening to. So in ...

Taknemmelighed! Dit go-to redskab hvis du ønsker forandring og forbedring

Gratitude! Your go-to tool if you want change and improvement

In today's episode, I talk about gratitude and why it is so important that we humans use it. Gratitude is not about being positive 24/7, but about being happy with what we have.

New year, new me! Eller hvad?

New year, new me! Or what?

In today's episode, I look at new habits, here in connection with the new year and how we can implement some good new habits in a slightly easier and more manageable way.

Er du særligt sensitiv? Sådan beskytter du din energi

Are you particularly sensitive? How to protect your energy

Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner and often it is connected with a lot of social events, gatherings and not least a lot of different impressions, stimuli and people we have to ...

Kan vi hjælpe folk der ikke vil hjælpes?

Can we help people who don't want to be helped?

In today's episode, I shed some light on why it is difficult - and a bad idea - to help people who have not asked for our help and who may not want it at all. As well as why it is far better to ...

At være i flow og hvad vi kan gøre når vi møder modstand

Being in flow and what we can do when we meet resistance

In today's episode I talk about flow, about the guidance of the universe and about resistance. I get into how it feels to be in flow and what we can do to achieve more of it in life, as well as wh...

At elske sig selv og bruge intuitionen - med Camilla Tromborg

To love yourself and use your intuition - with Camilla Tromborg

Camilla Tromborg is a holistic health coach and in this episode we talk about how to learn to listen to your intuition and notice what is happening inside, as well as why it is so important that ...