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Nytænkning af nytårsfortsæt - Hvordan skaber vi vedvarende forandringer i vores liv

Rethinking New Year's resolutions - How do we create lasting changes in our lives

In episode #26, I look at the mistakes we most often make when we decide to set New Year's resolutions. The New Year is often a time for reflection, where we consider how we can improve ourse...

Forventninger og pres - fra os selv og andre. Hvordan navigerer vi i det

Expectations and pressure - from ourselves and others. How do we navigate it?

In episode #25, I focus on how we learn to navigate through the pressure and expectations we humans can sometimes feel we are under. Both the pressure that comes from others, but especially a...

Skuffelse - en uundgåelig del af livet. Men også en kilde til forståelse og personlig udvikling

Disappointment - an inevitable part of life. But also a source of understanding and personal development

In episode #23, I delve into the hidden treasures of disappointment and look at what being disappointed and disappointing others once in a while can actually do for us.

De 5 kærlighedssprog - nøglen til at skabe langvarige og lykkelige relationer

The 5 love languages ​​- the key to creating long-lasting and happy relationships

In episode #22, I explore each of these 5 love languages—words, quality time, gifts, favors, and physical touch—and delve into their meaning and impact.

Engletal og tegn fra universet - hvad de prøver at fortælle dig

Angel numbers and signs from the universe - what they are trying to tell you

In episode #21, I focus on angel numbers such as 11:11, 222 and 555, as well as signs from the universe such as feathers, coins, angels as we see in clouds, coffee cups and the like, and rainbows,...