Angel number 1717
Angel number 1717 is filled with powerful messages from the universe, encouraging you to embrace change, grow spiritually and strengthen your inner wisdom. If you often see the number 1717, it's no coincidence – it's a sign from your guardian angel trying to guide you through life's challenges and opportunities. Read on to understand what this number means and how it can affect your life.
What are angel numbers?
Angel numbers are numerical messages sent by the universe through repeated series of numbers such as 1111 , 1717 or 555 . These numbers act as a form of spiritual communication where your guardian angels are trying to guide you on your journey. When you see an angel number, it is a sign that the universe wants to catch your attention and help you find the right path. Each angel number carries its own unique vibration and meaning that can help you navigate through life's challenges and make the right decisions.

What does the angel number 1717 mean?
The angel number 1717 is full of deep messages that can guide you in various aspects of your life. Here are some of the key meanings of 1717:
- Love : When it comes to love, 1717 is a sign that you should embrace honesty and authenticity in your relationships. It encourages you to let go of any expectations of perfection and instead focus on genuine, deep connections. If you are in a relationship, it may be time to take the relationship to the next level or work on strengthening your bond. If you are single, this number may signal that a new love is entering your life.
- Career : Professionally, 1717 indicates that you are on the right track towards realizing your ambitions. It encourages you to take leadership and be proactive in your career. Your angels remind you to trust your intuition and use your abilities to create the results you desire. This number can also be a call to pursue new opportunities that align with your passion and purpose.
- Personal Development : The angel number 1717 encourages you to delve deeper into your spiritual journey. It is time to explore your inner sources of wisdom and trust your intuition. This number also signals that you are ready to embrace a new beginning and let go of old patterns to make room for growth and self-development.

1717: Meaning and symbolism
1717 is a combination of the energies from the numbers 1 and 7, both of which appear twice and therefore amplify each other's influence. The number 1 represents new beginnings, creativity and leadership, while the number 7 symbolizes spiritual awakening, introspection and inner wisdom.
When these energies combine in the number 1717, they create a powerful message that you are on the right path towards spiritual growth and self-realization. This number encourages you to trust your intuition and take responsibility for your own path.

To see the number 1717
When you repeatedly come across the number 1717, it is a clear sign that your guardian angels want your attention. Here are some possible reasons why you might see this number:
- You are faced with important decisions and the angels encourage you to trust your intuition
- It's time to let go of old patterns and embrace new possibilities
- You have untapped potential waiting to be realized
- A significant spiritual awakening is coming, and you should be open to new insights
- You are entering a period of accelerated personal and spiritual growth
Be aware of your thoughts and feelings when you see 1717. These are often moments when the universe is trying to guide you in the right direction.

Crystals and the angel number 1717
To strengthen the energies associated with the angel number 1717, you can use crystals that promote spiritual growth and protection. Two crystals that are particularly beneficial in this context are:
- Aventurine : Aventurine is known for its ability to attract luck and promote confidence. This crystal helps you find balance in times of change and supports your ability to make decisions that align with your highest good.
- Obsidian : Obsidian is a powerful protective stone that helps you release negative energy and strengthens your connection to your inner wisdom. This crystal is ideal for providing you with clarity and protection as you navigate through the spiritual transformations that 1717 brings.

Get answers with a personal angel card reading
If you want a deeper understanding of what angel number 1717 means specifically for you and your life situation, a personal angel card reading can be incredibly valuable. Through such a reading we can explore together the unique messages that the universe and your guardian angels have for you.
An angel card reading can help you to:
- Get clarity about the possibilities that open up to you
- Understand which aspects of your life are ready for transformation
- Receive guidance on how to best manifest your desires
- Strengthen your connection to your intuition and the spiritual realms
Book your reading today and let's explore together what the universe has planned for you.
Listen to my podcast about angel numbers and signs from the universe:
I episode #21 af min podcast dykker jeg ned i engletal og de mange tegn, som universet sender os – fra fjer og mønter til engle, der dukker op i skyerne, og regnbuer, sommerfugle, kaffekopper og meget mere. Hvis det taler til dig, så glæder jeg mig til at have dig med på denne magiske rejse. Lyt med til episoden, og lad os sammen udforske universets beskeder.