D. 8 October 2024
Registration for book reception on 8/10
Soul Books
Läderstræde 13, 1601 Copenhagen K
At 15.30-17.15
Register with your name and how many of you are coming in total.
I look forward to seeing you!
With love,
Follow the 4 steps to manifest your dream life
Manifestation is making what you dream about into reality through
his thoughts, feelings, beliefs and not least actions. The
is not difficult and it is possible for anyone and everyone to achieve.
Through spiritual insights and practical exercises, you are guided here through the art of manifesting. Manifestation shows how much creative power we all possess to create
a reality that reflects our desires. After 15 years personally and professionally
experience, Zoey Adrianna shares her most effective techniques and strategies
to manifest abundance, love and anything else the heart desires.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced, you will get fresh perspectives and
deeper understandings that will give you tools to improve your life.
The book examines, among other things, the law of attraction and how to actively use it. It also contains practical exercises to raise your vibration and
help attract what you want faster and more effectively. Finally
you get advice on how to overcome common obstacles and mental
blockages that can stand in the way of manifestation .