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Citater om taknemmelighed

Quotes About Gratitude

Read my selection of gratitude quotes and feel how acknowledging the good in your life can strengthen your everyday life.

5 tips til at komme i kontakt med universet

5 tips to get in touch with the universe

Here are my 5 essential tips on how to get in touch with the universe and get its help. Whether you are a beginner or not, these points are important if you want to learn how to better connect wit...

Træk et englekort

Draw an angel card

On this page you can draw an angel card completely free of charge. Angel cards serve as a powerful, spiritual tool that offers guidance and support on your spiritual path. When you reflect on the ...

Krystaller til børn

Crystals for children

Children are naturally fascinated by crystals, but which crystals suit them best and how do they get the most pleasure from them. I have put together a guide that explains exactly these questions, ...

Krystaller mod angst og stress

Crystals for anxiety and stress

In my search for a holistic approach to wellness, crystals have proven powerful in dealing with anxiety and stress. 6 crystals in particular have calming and anxiety reducing properties, I will rev...

Træk et tarotkort

Draw a tarot card

Here on this page you can draw a tarot card completely free of charge. Before you draw a tarot card, take a moment to reflect on the question you wish to explore. Let the maps be a guiding force on...

Hvilke englekort skal jeg vælge?

Which angel cards should I choose?

Choosing the right set of angel cards can be a challenge, given the myriad of beautiful options, each with their own unique themes and authors. This guide aims to simplify your decision-making proc...

Tarotkort for begyndere

Tarot cards for beginners

Tarot cards are a fascinating and profound way to gain insight and guidance in your life. These cards, rich in symbols and historical images, open doors to a world of intuition and self-discovery. ...

Hvordan renser man krystaller?

How to cleanse crystals?

As a passionate advocate for holistic wellness, I, Zoey Adrianna, often turn to the serene world of crystal healing to soothe mind, body and soul. Many, like myself, believe that crystals work on a...

Englekort for begyndere

Angel cards for beginners

Angel cards are a beautiful and spiritual way to gain deeper insight and guidance in your life. These cards, often adorned with inspirational images and messages, are a tool for intuition and self-...