
Tips for finding calm and dealing with overstimulation

Tips til at finde roen og håndtere overstimulering


In my latest podcast episode from 19 December, I focus on overstimulation, as it is something that can especially happen during stressful periods, such as Christmas and New Year.Listen to the episode here

Overstimulation is when our senses (e.g. sight, hearing, feeling) are overloaded with too much information at once - and also over a longer period of time. It can lead to feelings of stress and discomfort, and can also affect our ability to think clearly and act appropriately. There can be many reasons for overstimulation, such as too much noise, too many people around us, too many things to think about at once, or too much screen time. It is important to learn to recognize the signs of overstimulation and find ways to deal with it so that we can feel more relaxed and balanced.

There are many ways to deal with overstimulation, and the best method will depend on the individual and the situation.

Some possible methods could be:

  1. To retreat and have a few minutes to yourself in a quiet, secluded space
  2. Practicing breathing exercises or other forms of relaxation
  3. Making a list of things to do to get an overview and feel less stressed
  4. Avoiding screen time or limiting the amount of screen time
  5. Exercising or engaging in other physical activities that can help divert thoughts and feelings
  6. Talking to a friend or a professional about feelings and thoughts
  7. Make use of healing, bodysds or body therapy
  8. Meditation
  9. Write a diary

It is important to remember to take care of yourself and be aware of your own limits. It can be helpful to learn to say no and to ask for help when needed.

Notice in your body what you need and start noticing the big and small signals your body sends when you are being overstimulated, such as fatigue, irritability, frustration, tears, anger, among others.

The sooner you notice it, the faster and the better you can deal with it and do what your body, mind and soul need.

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